Have you ever visited "Parentsoup"? (You should! It's a great site!) If you have, then surely you know me as Treehugger
I am a very artistic person and I love to sew and do all sorts of crafts. (If I can make it myself I usually do!(and that includes clothing for my family, toys, and foods of all sorts!) I have recently taken up writing again. And, I have found through the writing of poetry, prose and short stories, I can delve into the deep recesses of my mind and share my soul. Hence, I can "officially" call myself a struggling artist now. ( although I am published :O) )
And you can view some of my work here ---------->
I happened upon "Parent Soup" one day looking for parenting resources on the internet and I have found it to be more than just a resource. It is so, so much more than that! For in the "SOUP" one can find not only answers and tips reguarding parenting issues but friends and encouragement as well! I Love the Soup! I am a married to "a wonderful man"(it's been 10 years now) who is in the United States Navy and am the mom of three beautiful little boys. "Zachary, Nathaniel," "and our newest addition, Quinn-William" who are the absolute joy of my life!
We have but this one God given earth. Then, please, do all you can to protect and preserve it for the children, for they are the future. Our children hold tomorrow in thier hands.
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On My Site ! :O)
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(I recieved the nickname "treehugger" (sort of as a joke at a dinner party) due to my concern for the environment and my "soapbox" sort of stance on some issues.))
"A Tribute To John Denver"
"We all need a great romance! :O)"
"My Precious Boys"
"Treehugger's Poetry Sampler"
"Our New Arrival"
If you have an interesting "green" site to
share or just want to chat! I would love to
hear from you!