Follow these links

to do your part to protect

and preserve this earth

and its inhabitants.


EPA Homepage on global warming

Green Parties of North America: Be an activist!

The Green Party U.S.A.: Get Fired UP!

National Wildlife Federation: A Wonderful Organization!

The Nature Conservancy: Check This Out!

National Arborday Foundation

Rainforest Action Network: Get Involved!

Recycling Hotline: close the circle!

Seednet: You too can make a difference!

Windstar Foundation: make a difference!


Earth Dream

Earth Place: The Greenest And Coolest Place On Earth

Eco Heads: Clean/ Green Headgear


Green Turtle: Earth Friendly Gift Baskets

TEVA: Home of Teva sandles...(our feet are happy feet!!!)

Mama Gaia Ecowear:..more of a service than a company...

Planet Natural

Wild Oats: wild links!


Henriette's Herbal Homepage: Herbs Herbs Herbs

it'sew'k: lots of recycling ideas...trash to treasures

The Plant Tracker: Edible and Medicinal Plants


Calm Centre: Calm Down!

Earth and Sky: Be informed!

Garden Escape

Institute for Global Communications

Mother Earth News: I love this magazine!

New Hope: A great Resource For Enviromental Links Etc.

Online Planetarium Show: cool!

Planet Keepers

San Diego Earth Times Online


Earth Day Every Day
Celebrate morning, The cry of a loon on a lake in the night The dreams that are born in the dawn's early light Celebrate morning. Celebrate living, The laughter that sings in the heart of a child, The freedom that flies at the call of the wild, Celebrate living. Celebrate evening, The stars that appear in the loss of the sun, Whispering winds, 'We are one, we are one'... CHORUS Celebrate Earth Day, every day, Celebrate Earth Day, every day Celebrate land and sea Celebrate you and me Celebrate Earth Day, every day lyrics by "John Denver"

We all can do a little something today
  to preserve the tomorrows to come. 
Little things can make a BIG difference!
 From the smile of a child 
healthy and strong,
to the sight of the first
blooms of spring......
This world is a beautiful place
and worth saving.

Thank you so much for visiting!
I just hope and pray that you will visit the links listed here as well...
can make a difference!
Every little bit counts!

"don't forget to sign my guestbook!"

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( find listings of my other pages here )

E-Mail Me!
I would love to hear from you!
"Now, for the first time, this could be the
last time. If Peace is our vision, let us , begin" John Denver 1986

recycle! it's in the bag!!!!


The Earth Is The Lords...Handle With Care!

This is the only earth we we have been given.

We all can do our part in our own little corner of the world!

one world